
By using the very latest geospatial technology, Kamma combines data collection and address-matching technology with insightful analysis to articulate the fastest routes to net zero. Kamma’s data powers climate change solutions ranging from ESG risk management and reporting to retrofit optimisation solutions.


measurable.energy designs and manufactures smart, machine learning enabled power sockets that reduce the energy costs of commercial buildings by more than 20%. The sockets eliminate small power waste energy by identifying a plugged-in device that’s wasting energy and automatically turning it off. The socket also contains a light system that indicates whether the energy being supplied at the time is coming more from fossil fuels or renewable energy sources, helping to improve consumer habits.


tepeo’s Zero Emission Boiler (ZEB) technology is revolutionising the way we heat our homes. ZEBs are powered by electricity and work like batteries to store heat efficiently until it is needed. This decoupling of energy demand and heat supply enables affordable decarbonisation of residential heating and integration of more renewable power.